Friday, June 26, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Truth or Consequences

I won't say this was my favorite place but it was a place that I went to often. It was close & felt like a grand getaway according to what mood I was in.
We would go there when we were on a strict budget sometimes because what we could do was stay at the Charles Motel. It was an older bldg. but in the style of a suite with a full kitchen. There was a lot of room for the $ but practical more than luxurious. There's a grocery store across the street where grocery items are very well priced. I would cook there to save money on those budgeted vacations. With limited money, we would take pictures at lake caballo & my favorite Elephant Butte. There are plenty of places to hike in the mountains & down the street from Elephant Butte. We would find fossils, petrified wood, plenty of interesting things.
We would take our inline skates (since we couldn't skate) and practice in parking lots around town since they didn't know us. They have the mineral baths at the Charles Motel that came with the room! We would sit in those and sometimes on the roof of the bldg. They have a huge mineral water whirlpool up there. We'd sit under the stars. I loved trips to T or C because we could keep very busy with limited money.
We went there times when we did have money as well. We loved to stay at the Sierra Grand hotel. I absolutely loved their shampoos which they offered for sale. The hotel was pricier than Charles but offered a very healthy breakfast, the mineral water baths but in these beautiful settings. You could choose smaller tubs or the largest being a pool with a waterfall. Gorgeous!! There are some cute shops downtown. Well, the town is small so basically across the street. They usually had something going on, on the weekends. They have one antique shop that I thought the prices were reasonable & I enjoyed going there each visit.
I will have to come back later to write the name of the restaurant but there was this one that I loved to go to. I believe it was steak & seafood mainly there. They had this green chili chicken soup that was outstanding.

This town is not very crowded & that could be another reason that it seemed like such a great getaway for me. Being from the south, I wasn't use to the mineral water pools, so I tried to take advantage and found that this town had them everywhere. There were places to go where you could sit in them outside in private or with others. I stuck to the hotels mineral pools but there were plenty more.

While I am on Truth or Consequences- I must talk more about Elephant Butte lake. It is my favorite lake ever. It was beautiful to me & NM largest lake. the only lake that I will swim in because it was clear. They have pavillions all over for grilling, plenty of restrooms, many areas to pull into for privacy. I will add pictures of Truth or Consequences & Elephant Butte lake tomorrow before going on to another city. I definitely plan to go back for a long visit as soon as I get the chance.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Travelling in NM

I am a southern girl. When I found out that we were going to be living in El Paso Tx, I was excited but I was telling people that I thought it was too bad that we would be so close to such a boring state. (NM) Now, here I sit writing a blog about the place. I LOVED it there!! I will be posting pics. in the future, telling my opinion on each city that I went to. I covered the entire state except for Taos unfortuneately. I will go back one day!! My favorite places might not be everyones favorite but I loved them all.