Friday, February 5, 2010

Hearing about NM

I should be writing about another city by now, but it has been awhile & harder for me to give accurate details on places or every stop on a particular trip without looking in my journal from that time. I haven't gotten it out- but have been hearing about NM on tv lately even more. I have seen another Bobby Flay show where he was throwing down in NM. The HGTV dream home this year is in NM!!!!!!!!!!! If I could win that it would be so great. I haven't been entering this year but I have in past years. Obviously, I have never won- it would be nice to win the NM house. I did watch the tour on tv. It was great. It is located near Santa Fe- which is a town that I haven't talked about yet because it is big & there is so much. We did go there & had some good food at the train depot. We went in some really nice shops & talked to nice people. We didn't take advantage of our time there & there was so much to do. We went to Los Alamos & stayed in a really nice hotel with very nice people. I had my dog Bruce with me & they all treated him like a baby. We had an interesting time there when we weren't out sight seeing. I will write a blog some day on Los Alamos & all of the places that we went in the area.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

chile peppers

I have seen a few shows on tv lately talking about New Mexico. It makes me wish that I had done some things different.
There was this one show. I can't even remember the name of it, but it was something like Throw down with Bobby Flay. I hope that I didn't get his name wrong & I will change it later if I did. Anyway, it was the first time that I had watched it & apparently he is a chef. A good chef. He goes to cities where someone is known for their masterpiece dish & he tries to make the dish better. Well, he went to New Mexico to this small town where this man makes the best chile burgers. All I know is that I am bummed that I didn't ever eat there. My husband said that we drove through there. I wish that I could go back & try one of his burgers! Anyway, when I was in New Mexico, I did get addicted to those chiles. I didn't know anything about them, or to make them- nothing really, so I didn't. If I could go back, I would buy loads of them & learn how to cook them in every way & freeze them for future meals, jar them, whatever...
There was this green chile chicken soup that I loved near T or C. I really need to go on a vacation there, because I feel like I have been gone so long, that it almost seems like a distant dream. I turned the channel the night I watched Bobby Flay & there was another show where the host was in another city there. I'm not sure what it is with me & that state. Maybe it was because the food was good, maybe because the people were nice, the peace, it wasn't overcrowded & fun to drive there, they had a little of a lot,the history, the chiles..

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In the Silver City area

Areas around Silver City

One of the scenery pictures. Derek carrying me over water, while hiking to find some hotsprings. Climbing down from the dwellings.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Silver City

I had a great time eating in Silver City & looking in the museums. The downtown district was fun. The Gila National Forest is close & I found it interesting that Geronimo was born at the headwaters of the Gila river & there is a monument for him at the Gila Cliff Dwellings visitor center. The Gila Cliff dwellings are amazing! I'm scared of heights & stayed gripped to the door yelling "slow down" the entire time that we were in the car. When we were not in the car, was worth every second to me. It was beautiful & fun. The hiking was some of the best. They have pretty lakes in the area as well. The Catwalk wasn't far & that was GREAT. I want to go again! It was just so beautiful. Back to the Gila Nat. forest- we also hiked other areas of that 3 million acre forest. They have natural hotsprings that we hiked to & relaxed in. We also went to some ghost towns in the area & to City of rocks state park. We arrived at the City of Rocks park in the evening & we hurried through it before it got dark. It was really beautiful at that time. I loved the weather & we got some nice pictures of the sunset with the rocks. That's another place that I wanted to go back to. We had our dog Bruce out there with us & it was good exercise for him. I know that at the Catwalk, he wasn't allowed on the trails but they did have a place for him at the visitor center area. He just stayed there & it was checked on often.
Many places that we went in NM, were stories of how Billy the Kid was here & there... He did get around. We went to Lincoln County which I will blog about at a later date. I believe we were in Mesilla where there was a jail that he was in there & maybe it was Ruidoso where he hid out at the water wheel but Silver City is where he did live with his mother (aunt) Who knows? He did live there & attended elementary school there.
When we went to the catwalk, we went to Glenwood-They have a nice hatchery & in the area is Mogollon which is a town that thrived from the gold & silver & then it became a ghost town but now has some residents. The entire area is great for birding, hiking, fishing or just taking some great photos.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I had written in the Grants NM section about how I thought that Acoma Sky City was nearby, it was. Here is a photo of a sign that tells a little about it. El Morro is about 40 miles or so from Grants, off of NM53. These are a few pics. at El Morro. Inscription Rock was great & there were many more than what I am showing a photo of. I had a great time at all of these places.

Land of Fire & Ice