Wednesday, December 9, 2009

chile peppers

I have seen a few shows on tv lately talking about New Mexico. It makes me wish that I had done some things different.
There was this one show. I can't even remember the name of it, but it was something like Throw down with Bobby Flay. I hope that I didn't get his name wrong & I will change it later if I did. Anyway, it was the first time that I had watched it & apparently he is a chef. A good chef. He goes to cities where someone is known for their masterpiece dish & he tries to make the dish better. Well, he went to New Mexico to this small town where this man makes the best chile burgers. All I know is that I am bummed that I didn't ever eat there. My husband said that we drove through there. I wish that I could go back & try one of his burgers! Anyway, when I was in New Mexico, I did get addicted to those chiles. I didn't know anything about them, or to make them- nothing really, so I didn't. If I could go back, I would buy loads of them & learn how to cook them in every way & freeze them for future meals, jar them, whatever...
There was this green chile chicken soup that I loved near T or C. I really need to go on a vacation there, because I feel like I have been gone so long, that it almost seems like a distant dream. I turned the channel the night I watched Bobby Flay & there was another show where the host was in another city there. I'm not sure what it is with me & that state. Maybe it was because the food was good, maybe because the people were nice, the peace, it wasn't overcrowded & fun to drive there, they had a little of a lot,the history, the chiles..

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